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In Belgium, HAE institutions as hogescholen do not have university status, but have
entered into associations with universities. Architcture integrates in the universities as of
1st October 2013; the art schools remain for the moment out of the university system.
Within the K.U. Leuven Association a faculty of the arts unites five art schools. A new
faculty of Architecture has been created to host the architecture curricula and awards a
PhD in Architecture. The K.U. Leuven provides two-year funding for doctoral projects,
renewable once. A similar situation exists in the other university associations.
The doctoral programme in music DocARTES is run at the Orpheus Insitute with Dutch
and Flemish partner institutes, and further involvement from three British conservatoires.
Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussels hosts a ‘master-after-master’ research programme

In the Wallonian Community, the four university associations and the main academies coordinate a collective doctoral school Art et Sciences de l'Art. The three institutes of artistic education of Belgium’s French-speaking Community in Brussels – the Conservatory, La Cambre and the INSAS - have come together within a joint transdisciplinary platform ARTes.

See also: (also contains an overview and reports of artistic research conferences around Europe)