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Sibelius Academy

DocMus (Department for Music Performance and Research)
Doctoral Programme of Music, Theatre and Dance

Helsinki, Finland

1999 (DocMus)
2007 (Doctoral Programme of Music, Theatre and Dance)


Licentiate of Music (LMus) – 2,5 years
Doctor of Music (DMus) – 4 years

Number of third cycle students
70 at DocMus, 55 at the Doctoral Programme of Music, Theatre and Dance

Licentiate and Doctoral studies within Sibelius are offered by the DocMus Department for Music Performance and Research. There are three options: the  Artistic, Research and Applied study programmes. Approximately 2/3 of third cycle students are in the Art Study Programme, 1/3 in the Research and Applied Study Programmes.
In a network with seven Finnish Universities, Sibelius also coordinates the Doctoral Programme of Music, Theatre and Dance.

A Master of Music degree or equivalent is prerequisite for admission.
In the Art Study Programme, the emphasis is on independent artistic work. The focus is on arts studies (concerts, recordings, compositions). In addition, students can do written work. Public recordings can also be counted towards the degree.
The Applied or Development study programme comprises theoretical and practical specialisation in a particular issue within the music field.
Students in the Research Study Programme carry out a licentiate thesis and/or a doctoral dissertation. The degree includes courses that support scientific work. Such courses should include studies in philosophy of science and arts.

Publications and conferences
Doctoral theses are available through the eThesis database:
DocMus has established the Finaali Journal of Music Performance and Research.

1 supervisor.

Embedding within the Institution
Sibelius Academy has approx. 1,400 students and 180 full-time teachers. It offers a 3-year Bachelor and 2,5-year Master programme as well as postgraduate Licentiate and Doctoral studies.
DocMus and the Doctoral Programme of Music, Theatre and Dance are independent units within the university. The latter operates in a network of seven Finnish Universities coordinated by a management team of four at Sibelius Academy, with one member from the Theatre Academy, and supported by a steering group representing all partner institutions.

Study Fees

Funding and stipendia
There are grants from donated/bequeathed funds and Sibelius Academy Foundation Grants which both include working grants for doctoral studies, and funds for covering expenses of doctoral students.
The Doctoral Program of Music, Theatre and Dance is funded by the Academy of Finland and the Finnish Ministry of Education; 12 research students receive funding from the Ministry of Education directly.