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Finnish Academy of Fine Arts (KUVA)

Helsinki, Finland


Fine art

Degrees offered

Number of third cycle students

Entry Requirements
Students are required to possess a suitable MA degree or equivalent, and to submit a portfolio and research proposal.

Programme Requirements
The degree work consists of a production and a theory part (of variable size but with the emphasis on production). Students are required to attend research seminars of three types: presenting their own research; writing three essays; lectures by staff and visiting researchers. Additionally they are required to engage in other research-supporting activities such as teaching, curating, and publication.

Publications and conferences
Two volumes of The Artist’s Knowledge: Research at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts have been published (2006/2008). In 2010 KUVA hosted the EARN conference Tables of Thought. KUVA is coordinating the EU project Changing Identities and Contexts in the Arts: Artistic Research as the New European Paradigm for the Arts in cooperation with Gothenburg University, Leeds University and four museums/art centres.

Funding and stipendia
The Finnish Academy of Fine Arts does not offer nor provide funding for doctoral studies, but can assist in applying for it.