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University of Brighton, Faculty of Arts

Centre for Research and Development (CRD)

Brighton, UK


Visual arts, design, performing arts, architecture, photography, media art

Degrees offered
MPhil, PhD

PhD: 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time
MPhil: 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time

Number of third cycle students

The CRD brings together all arts and humanities research at the faculty of arts. There are four research institutes:
  • Arts Practices and Performance Research Institute
  • Design Research Institute
  • Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
  • Centre for Research in Memory, Narrative and Histories
In practice, all PhD researchers but one are enrolled at the first two institutes.

First or upper second class honours degree is expected, Master’s preferred.
Prior research experience/training is not a necessary prerequisite, as this will be provided both through individual supervision and through the Research Training Programme. Research students are normally registered for the MPhil degree in the first instance and, subject to satisfactory progress, are upgraded to PhD status.
Research can be submitted in the form of a traditional thesis or, in a 'practice-based' research degree, can involve artistic output alongside a written component. The given length for practice-based dissertations is half that for a traditional thesis. (80.000 / 40.000 for a PhD, half that for an MPhil.) The thesis must be defended viva voce.

Publications and conferences
Portfolios and publication lists of all research staff (including PhD students) are online at To date, the CRD has organized international conferences and two-day symposia concerning globalization, Czech design, lifestyle TV, sculpture and design, cold war design, democracy, and the politics of space and place. The faculty of arts’ 150th anniversary was celebrated in 2009 with a publication, exhibition, and the Art and Design for the 21st Century conference.

Each student is normally allocated two supervisors and a full time student can expect 45 hours of each supervisor’s time per year, approximately one third of which would be contact time.

Home and EU full-time GPB 3780 | Overseas full-time GBP 11.340 | Home part-time GBP 1890 | PhD by publication GBP 3780

Funding and stipendia
There is a limited amount of university scholarships. Most research funding comes through the AHRC and other research councils.